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British Airways & Virgin Atlantic Departs From London To New York In Dual Take-Off

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Transatlantic rivals British Airways and Virgin Atlantic join forces today to celebrate the reopening of the US to UK nationals.

For the first time ever, the two airlines came together in a unique show of unity, taking to the skies in a synchronized departure on parallel runways at Heathrow.

British Airways flight BA001, a flight number previously reserved for Concorde, and Virgin Atlantic flight VS3, operating on A350 aircraft, both left London Heathrow for New York JFK at 8.30am on Monday 8 November.

Sean Doyle, British Airways Chairman and CEO said, “After more than 600 days of separation, today is our moment to celebrate the UK-US reopening. We’re setting aside rivalry and for the first time ever, British Airways and Virgin Atlantic aircraft will be seen taking-off together to mark the vital importance of the transatlantic corridor,”

Shai Weiss, Virgin Atlantic Chief Executive said, “The US has been our heartland for more than 37 years and we are simply not Virgin without the Atlantic.  We’ve been steadily ramping up flying to destinations including Boston, New York, Orlando, Los Angeles and San Francisco, and we can’t wait to fly our customers safely to their favourite US cities to reconnect with loved ones and colleagues,”

Secretary of State for Transport, Grant Shapps said, “This historic event marks a significant moment for the aviation sector. Transatlantic travel has long been at the heart of UK aviation and I’m delighted to see flights return in time for Thanksgiving and Christmas,”

“Thanks to the work of industry and the US-UK Experts Working Group, these vitally important flight routes will help boost the economy, protect and create British jobs and through the work of the Jet Zero Council help to build back greener,”

For more information, please visit British Airways and Virgin Atlantic.

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