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EASYJET CAMPAIGN “Flexible Booking Policy”

For travel this summer up 30th September 2021

Earlier this year easyJet launched an industry-leading customer policy to reflect the challenging market conditions we all face.

EasyJet holidays Flexible Booking Options means there is a refund guarantee, reduced balance due date, and simplified and reduced the costs to allow customers to change their holidays up to 28 days before travelling.

Now the airline is further enhancing this for this summer season to give your customers even more flexibility and reassurance.

They have made these updates in readiness for the anticipated launch of the UK government’s traffic light system – where countries will be placed on green, amber or red lists – which is expected to be in place from 17th May at the earliest. The announcement of which traffic light each destination falls under is expected before 10th May.

They are now providing additional customer flexibility for travel this summer up to 30th September 2021 under Covid commitments, which is part of the Flexible booking conditions.

This means, should a destination be on the amber list, your customers can make fee-free changes up to 24 hours before travel. Or should a destination be added to a red list, we will, in addition to offering fee-free changes, cancel any holidays no later than seven days before travel and customers will receive a full refund.

On top of this, easyJet continues to follow the UK government’s FCDO advice for all destinations they operate to and in line with existing Covid commitments, they will cancel any holidays where there’s a routine quarantine requirement in a destination which can’t be missed by providing proof of a negative test.

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