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easyJet holidays and University of Oxford Announce Sustainability Partnership

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easyJet holidays and the University of Oxford are partnering to establish the Oxford SDG Impact Lab.

The two will work together to identify challenges and opportunities for sustainable tourism.

This will help easyJet holidays pursue its aim to be an industry leader in sustainable tourism that has a positive impact on the environment and local communities.

easyJet holidays recently launched its sustainability strategy, aligned with the sustainable development goals (SDG) of the United Nations.

It has now become the industry partner at the Oxford SDG Impact Lab, where selected students will be mentored and trained to deliver academically rigorous, evidence-based reports to improve key areas of social and environmental development in a number of destinations where easyJet holidays operates.

The Oxford SDG Impact Lab will be made up of 20 graduate students, mainly from the social sciences and humanities, and will get underway in January 2022.

Students will identify challenges and opportunities to develop sustainable tourism in the focus destinations, supported and mentored by Oxford University staff, as well as a dedicated team of experts from easyJet holidays.

The students will employ a range of research methods to develop a proposal for their destination that advances at least one of the SDGs.

The programme will include a four-week research trip to destinations across Europe in the summer of 2022, to help develop proposals.

Throughout the programme, easyJet holidays will support students, providing industry and business knowledge to help shape their proposals.

The programme will culminate in September 2022, when the students will deliver their recommendation reports.

easyJet holidays will then decide which projects it will champion, to develop and support sustainable practices in its focus holiday destinations.

At the end of the programme, easyJet holidays may ask one of the students to join the organisation to pilot one or more of the proposed projects.

For more information, please visit easyjet.com.

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