Singapore Reopens To UK Travellers

Singapore has reopened its borders to fully vaccinated travellers from 8 countries, namely the UK, US, Canada, Canada, Denmark, France, Italy, Netherlands and Spain.

The Southeast Asian island nation will be launching more vaccinated travel lanes (VTL). Singapore’s Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong predicted it will take between three to six months to transition to a “new normal” of “living with Covid”.

Singapore’s Transport Minister, S Irawan said, “All 8 countries are already open to travellers from Singapore. So the VTLs will restore two-way quarantine-free travel between Singapore and them,”

Applications will open on Tuesday, and travellers from those countries who meet the conditions will be able to enter Singapore from October 19, and travellers will have to take Covid-19 tests to ensure they are not infected with the virus before entering the country.


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