Travel-Ready Centre Accelerates COVID-Free Terms for United Customers

United Airlines, a leading airline based in Willis Tower, Chicago, Illinois, USA, announced that its Travel-Ready Centre platform has proven to make the COVID-19 testing process easier for potential passengers.

Since its launch in January, the Travel-Ready Centre platform has processed more than 275,000 COVID-19 tests. The platform allows United Airlines customers to choose from more than 200 providers of COVID-19 testing sites in Chicago, Houston, New York, Los Angeles, and San Francisco.

After the test results are validated, customers will see a status indicator on the Travel-Ready Center platform which informs them that they are ready to travel and receive a mobile boarding pass. “We are constantly looking for innovative solutions that make travel easier and safer,” said Toby Enqvist, United Airlines Chief Customer Officer.

In the next few months, the premises, including drugstores and a network of pharmacies, will expand to more US cities. Not only that, United Airlines will also increase access to international testing sites for customers flying from various countries.

United Airlines is an airline that pays close attention to health protocols during the pandemic. United Airlines became the first airline to offer a COVID-19 test to customers traveling from San Francisco to Hawaii. Also, the first to launch a similar program for Transatlantic flights from Newark to London.

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